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New Article Proposals Not Accepted

From EyeWiki

Before submitting a new article proposal

Please review these topics that were not approved as standalone articles. In most cases, EyeWiki editors suggested that these topics be covered in existing EyeWiki articles in keeping with wiki principles and practices.

Reasons articles are not accepted

  1. The topic is already addressed or could be addressed in an existing EyeWiki article
  2. The topic is not supported by enough evidence or consensus expert opinion
  3. Other reasons, e.g., previously submitted, article type no longer accepted, combined with another proposal, etc.

Note: Most rare genetic disorders/syndromes* have not been accepted to date, and the editors request that you help keep EyeWiki up to date by adding or updating these syndromes and their related ocular manifestations in the table in this article: Genetic Eye Disease Related Terms and Resources.

New Article Proposals Not Accepted

Section Submission Reason Date
Cataract/Anterior Segment‎ Wedl Cells (Bladder Cells) 1 07/2024
Cataract/Anterior Segment‎ Honan Intraocular Pressure Reducer 1 01/2025
Cornea/External Disease Pseudopterygium 1 02/2024
Cornea/External Disease Therapeutic and Tectonic Penetrating Keratoplasty 1 02/2024
Cornea/External Disease Insulin in corneal external disease 1 04/2024
Cornea/External Disease Topical Losartan in Ophthalmology 2 04/2024; 10/2024
Cornea/External Disease Congenital Anterior Staphyloma / Congenital Corneal Staphyloma 1 05/2024
Cornea/External Disease Ocular Manifestations of Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome Type 1* 1 05/2024
Cornea/External Disease Reis-Bucklers Corneal Dystrophy 1 05/2024
Cornea/External Disease Amenamevir for Treatment of Acyclovir-Resistant Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Keratitis 1 06/2024
Cornea/External Disease Swan Syndrome 1 07/2024
Cornea/External Disease Soft Keratoprostheses 2 07/2024
Cornea/External Disease Brillouin Microscopy 1 08/2024
Cornea/External Disease Ocular Manifestations of Linear IgA Disease 1 10/2024
Cornea/External Disease Artificial Intelligence in Cornea 1 02/2025
Cornea/External Disease; Oculoplastics/Orbit Protective Ptosis 1 02/2024
Cornea/External Disease; Pediatric Ophthalmology Nance Horan Syndrome* 1 06/2024
Glaucoma ELIOS - Excimer Laser Trabeculostomy - a micro-invasive laser glaucoma surgery 3 02/2024
Glaucoma MIMS (microinvasive micro-sclerostomy) for glaucoma surgery 3 02/2024
Glaucoma Dysphotopsia and location of laser iridotomy 1 03/2024
Glaucoma Hemolytic Glaucoma 1 03/2024
Glaucoma Mannitol in Vitrectomized Eyes 2 03/2024
Glaucoma Protective Mechanism of Metformin in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma 3 03/2024
Glaucoma Omidenepag isopropyl (OMDI): Side effects and patient selection 1 04/2024
Glaucoma Visual Field Data Extraction: Real-World Techniques and Tips 1 06/2024
Glaucoma Techniques and Aids for Proper Eye Drop Administration 1 08/2024
Glaucoma Standalone Angle-Based Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) 1 09/2024
Glaucoma Calibreye System Glaucoma Implant 2 11/2024
Glaucoma; Retina Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita* 1 08/2024
Miscellaneous Antimicrobial Resistance in Ophthalmic Infections 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous Cataract Screening 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous Environmental Justice 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous Ethical Implications of AI in Ophthalmology 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous Global Ophthalmology 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness (RAAB): A Comprehensive Overview for Ophthalmologists 1 02/2024
Miscellaneous A Brief Guide to Somali in Ophthalmology 3 03/2024
Miscellaneous Food Insecurity and Ophthalmic Outcomes 1 03/2024
Miscellaneous Visual Disparities and Barriers to Quality Vision Care for Hispanic Populations 1 08/2024
Miscellaneous The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Ophthalmology 1 08/2024
Miscellaneous Myths in Ophthalmology 1 01/2025
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Ocular Tics and Tourette's Syndrome 1 02/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Autoimmune Antibody-Mediated Ophthalmoplegia; Neurophthalmic Manifestations of Autoimmune Ophthalmoplegia 1 03/2024 (x3)
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Cat Eye Syndrome* 1 03/2024; 06/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Elevated Homocysteine 1 03/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Chiari-Frommel Syndrome 1 04/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Ocular Manifestations of Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome 1 05/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Pharmacological and Surgical Treatment of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) 1 05/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Transient visual phenomena and sudden vision loss presents as ocular manifestation of cardiac myxoma; Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Cardiac Myxomas and Papillary Fibroelastomas 1 05/2024; 06/2024; 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit SANDO Syndrome* 1 06/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Infectious Optic Neuropathies 1 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Neuro-Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Episodic Ataxia Type 2* 1 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Neuromyelitis Optica and Pregnancy 1 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Kufor-Rakeb Syndrome* 1 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit Crocodile Tears (Gustolacrimal Reflex or Bogorad Syndrome) 1 08/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit; Oncology/Pathology‎ Manifestations of Li Fraumeni Syndrome* 1 03/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit;Retina Drug-acquired phosphenes 1 06/2024
Neuro-ophthalmology/Orbit;Retina Optical Coherence Tomography as a Tool for Predicting Alzheimer's Disease 1 06/2024
Oculoplastics/Orbit Anterior lamellar recession/reposition 1 04/2024
Oculoplastics/Orbit Mucous Membrane Grafting 1 07/2024
Oculoplastics/Orbit Adult Orbital Xanthogranulomatous Disease 1 02/2025
Pediatric Ophthalmology Coffin-Siris Syndrome Ocular Manifestations* 1 02/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Ocular Manifestations of Pierson Syndrome* 1 02/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Ophthalmic manifestations of Turner Syndrome* 1 03/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Nystagmus Blockage Syndrome 1 03/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Congenital Microcoria 1 05/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Ophthalmic manifestations of Lamb-Shaffer syndrome* 1 05/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Williams Syndrome (Williams-Beuren Syndrome)* 1 06/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Schimmelpenning Syndrome* 1 06/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Cohen Syndrome* 1 10/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology Assessing vision in non-verbal patients with autism spectrum disorder 3 10/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology; Retina Poretti-Boltshauser syndrome* 1 08/2024
Pediatric Ophthalmology; Retina Jalili Syndrome* 1 08/2024
Refractive Management/Intervention Smooth Incision Lenticule Extraction 2 04/2024
Retina Congenital grouped albinotic retinal pigment epithelial spots (CGARPES) 2 03/2024
Retina Coats-like exudative vasculopathy 1 05/2024
Retina Ocular manifestations of Danon's disease* 1 08/2024
Retina Loeys-Dietz Syndrome* 1 08/2024
Retina Transthyretin-related Vitamin A deficiency in Hereditary amyloidosis 1 09/2024
Retina Macular Buckling 1 01/2025
Retina OCT Biomarkers in Diabetic Retinopathy 1 01/2025
Retina; Uveitis Ophthalmic Manifestations of ROSAH (Retinal Dystrophy, Optic Nerve Edema, Splenomegaly, Anhidrosis, and Headache) Syndrome* 1 08/2024
Uveitis Diabetic Anterior Uveitis 2 03/2024
Uveitis Pars Planitis 1 03/2024
Uveitis Intravesical BCG ocular side effects 1 05/2024; 09/2024
Uveitis Ocular Ehrlichiosis 1 10/2024
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