EyeWiki:General disclaimer

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Content posted on Eyewiki, a service of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), is not reviewed or checked by medical experts or Academy staff before it is posted. If you believe there is a problem with content you see in Eyewiki, please send a message to eyewiki@aao.orgto alert Eyewiki administrators. All information on the Academy Web site, including Eyewiki, is also covered under the Academy’s medical disclaimer.

  • The content on or accessible through EyeWiki is for informational purposes only.
  • EyeWiki is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider.
  • Information on EyeWiki is for educational and informational purposes only; it is not intended as and does not substitute for professional medical advice.
  • If you are a patient, see your doctor for advice and diagnosis.
  • If you are affected by any potential health or medical emergency, call your local emergency service immediately.
  • EyeWiki and AAO do not recommend or endorse any treatment, institution, professional, physician, product, procedure or other information that may be mentioned on EyeWiki.
  • By using this site, you understand that the information provided on EyeWiki is written and monitored by a large community of people that are not employees of, or controlled by, EyeWiki or AAO, and the content changes constantly.
  • EyeWiki content is provided "as is" and without any representations of accuracy or warranties of any kind.
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