Talk:Neuro-ophthalmic Findings in Coma

From EyeWiki

Citations in text

  • Citations 10, 18 per version 2022-03-24T06:08:49 not called out in text‎ Added references in text closest matching article reference title.
    • Hunfalvay, M., Roberts, C. M., Murray, N., Tyagi, A., Kelly, H., & Bolte, T. (2019). Horizontal and vertical self-paced saccades as a diagnostic marker of traumatic brain injury. Concussion (London, England), 4(1), CNC60.
    • Liu, G. T., & Ronthal, M. (1992). Reflex blink to visual threat. Journal of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, 12(1), 47–56.
  • Review and reposition citations hunfalvay10 and liu18, if needed

Tony.Ching.AAO (talk) 12:51, April 19, 2022 (PDT)

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