EyeWiki:Stale pages/Message

From EyeWiki

Dear EyeWiki Editor,

This notification is to inform you that a 6-month review is due for the EyeWiki article(s) listed below that are assigned to you. In order to ensure that the information provided on EyeWiki stays up to date and accurate and because anyone in the community can edit articles at any time, all EyeWiki articles must be reviewed by assigned editors every 6 months.

Please review and revise the article(s) if necessary. When you are finished with your review(s) please use "Edit with Form" to change:

  • The date you completed your review
  • The status to "Up to Date"
  • The reviewer name to your own

Note: You can find all your articles assignments by going to your personal "Talk" page, or by going to "My Portal" where you will also find all the articles in your section.

Please visit your section Portal to find all your article assignments.

Thank you again for your dedication to the spread of ophthalmic knowledge via EyeWiki.


Cat Nguyen Burkat, MD FACS
Jennifer I. Lim, MD
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Dan Mummert
Director, Online Education
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