Ophthalmologists' Occupational Health Hazards Scheme

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Ophthalmology occupation is exceptionally prone to health hazards of various nature: ergonomic, infectious, allergic, stress-related, and psychosocial. In the follwoing table disease conditions, related agents, and hazards categories are listed comprehensively:

Table 2013.jpg


Additional Resources

  1. Salcedo Miqueleiz MA, Goldaracena Tanco B, Ardanaz Aicua ME, et al. Nosocomial and community outbreak of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in Navarra in 1996. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 1997;71:383-390.
  2. Riddell CE, Reed J, Shaw S, Duvall-Young J. Allergic contact fingertip dermatitis secondary to proxymetacaine in an ophthalmologist. Eye. 2000;14:907-908.
  3. Dannaker CJ, Maibach HI, Austin E. Allergic contact dermatitis to proparacaine with subsequent cross-sensitization to tetracaine from ophthalmic preparations. Am J Contact Dermat. 2001;12:177-179.
  4. Liesegang TJ, Perniciaro C. Fingertip dermatitis in an ophthalmologist caused by proparacaine. Am J Ophthalmol. 1999;127:240-241.
  5. Chatterjee A, Ryan WG, Rosen ES. Back pain in ophthalmologists. Eye. 1994;8:473-474.
  6. Allinson RW, Thall EH, Stanko M. Risk to the treating ophthalmologist when using the laser. Arch Ophthalmol. 1991;109:1057-1058.
  7. Hardy KJ, Lipton JR, Foster DH, Scarpello JH. Failure of many ophthalmologists to use lasers safely. Qual Health Care. 1992;1:168-170.
  8. Arden GB, Hall MJ. Does occupational exposure to argon laser radiation decrease colour contrast sensitivity in UK ophthalmologists? Eye. 1995;9:686-696.
  9. Arden GB, Berninger T, Hogg CR, Perry S. A survey of color discrimination in German ophthalmologists. Changes associated with the use of lasers and operating microscopes. Ophthalmology. 1991;98:567-575.
  10. Allen LE, Luff AJ, Canning CR. Survey of colour contrast sensitivity in non-ophthalmic users of blue-green wavelength argon lasers. Br J Ophthalmol. 1995;79:332-334.
  11. Frennesson C, Bergen J. Retinal function in Swedish ophthalmologists using argon lasers as reflected in colour contrast sensitivity. Normal thresholds in the great majority of the cases. Acta Ophthalmol Scand. 1998;76:610-612.


  1. Medscape General Medicine 2004 Dec 13;6(4):1; at: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/493990
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