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Eye in Numbers

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The significance of numbers in routine clinical practice has grown exponentially. They guide disease diagnoses, treatment choices (in terms of kind, dosage, and duration), aid in surgical precision, determine implant specifications, and even influence follow-up schedules. Daily clinic procedures involve various biometric assessments, generating essential numerical data. In the realm of ophthalmology, sometimes, the sole focus for specialists is a single numeric value, such as normal corneal power, acceptable residual stromal bed levels, or specific anatomical reference values. Despite the advancement of search engines, procuring normal value ranges and their clinical implications remains a cumbersome task. Therefore, there's a strong appreciation among clinicians for a centralized repository of reference values in ophthalmology. This initiative aims to collect and present the latest reference values and their clinical relevance across various ophthalmic conditions. The primary source for these numbers is The American Academy of Ophthalmology's Basic and Clinical Science Course™ book series. Continuous contributions from all members are vital to maintain the page's accuracy and relevance.

Eye in Numbers

Adult Eye Volume

Parameter Measurement
Adult eye volume ~6.5–7.0 mL

Axial Length (AL)

Condition Measurement
Normal adult 23–25 mm
High myopia (> −6 D) >26 mm
Pathologic myopia (> −8 D) 32.5 mm
Microphthalmia <21 mm (adults), <19 mm (1 year of age)
Nanophthalmos <18 mm (highly hyperopic eye)
   Clinical Pearls for Axial Length:
   * The standard Morcher CTR comes in three sizes based on uncompressed diameter, selected according to axial length (AL):
   ** 12.3 mm (compresses to 10 mm, Morcher 14): AL < 24 mm
   ** 13 mm (compresses to 11 mm, Morcher 14C): 24 mm < AL < 28 mm
   ** 14.5 mm (compresses to 12 mm, Morcher 14A): AL > 28 mm
   * Implant size calculation: Axial length − 2 mm = implant diameter
   ** Subtract 1 mm from implant diameter for evisceration and for hyperopia

Transverse Diameter of the Globe

Parameter Measurement
Transverse diameter (widest point) ~24 mm


Corneal Diameter

Category Measurement
Adults (horizontal) 12–12.5 mm
Adults (vertical) 11 mm
At birth 9.5–10.5 mm
   Clinical Pearls for Corneal Diameter:
   * To calculate ACIOL size: Horizontal white-to-white distance + 1 mm
   * Congenital glaucoma:
   ** >12 mm horizontally in newborns
   ** >11.5 mm at birth
   ** >12.5 mm in 1-year-old children
   ** >13 mm in other children
   * Buphthalmos (“bull’s-eye”): Horizontal corneal diameter >13 mm
   * Megalocornea: >13 mm
   * Microcornea: <10 mm

Note: Adult size is reached by age 2 years.


Parameter Composition
Corneal dry weight 70% type I collagen

Corneal Power

Component Power (D)
Average (air-tear interface) 43 D
Anterior 48–49 D
Posterior −5.8 to −6 D
   Note: Posterior corneal surface contributes approximately 0.4 D of against-the-rule astigmatism.
   Clinical Pearls for Corneal Power:
   * Corneal plana: K < 43 D
   * Keratoconus:
   ** Central K > 47.2 D
   ** Inferior-superior (I-S) difference: >1.4 D in 3 mm
   ** Asymmetric K > 0.92 D
   * Risk for buttonhole with LASIK: K > 48 D
   * Risk for free flap with LASIK: K < 40 D
   * Predicting final K after LASIK:
   ** Myopia: Flattening of 0.80 D per D treated; avoid final K < 35–36 D
   ** Hyperopia: Steepening of 1.00 D per D treated; avoid final K > 50 D
   * Intacs in advanced keratoconus: K > 60.00 D has lower likelihood of functional vision improvement; corneal transplant may be needed
Asphericity: Q value
Normal cornea is prolate −0.26

Corneal Thickness

Structure/Location Thickness
Central corneal thickness (CCT) 540 μm
Near limbus 700 μm – 1.0 mm
Limbal relaxing incision (LRI) depth 500–550 μm
Epithelium 50 μm (10% of corneal thickness)
Bowman layer 10 μm (8–14 μm)
Descemet membrane (at birth) 3 μm
Descemet membrane (adults) 10–12 μm

   Clinical Pearls for Corneal Thickness:
   * Risk for decompensation after intraocular surgery: CCT > 640 μm
   * Limbal/corneal relaxing incisions (LRI/CRI) depth: 500–600 μm (90% depth)
   * Arcuate or straight incisions (AK) depth: 99% depth (avoid >90° arc due to decreased efficacy and increased instability)
   * Radial keratotomy depth: 85–90% corneal thickness
   * Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) depth: Ablate pathology in anterior 1/3 (~180 μm)
   * Contraindication for LASIK residual stromal bed (RSB): RSB < 250 μm or < 50% of original CCT
   * Contraindication for LASIK: CCT < 480 μm
   * Intacs: Lamellar channel at ~70% stromal depth (CCT − 50–60 μm)
   * Contraindication for ring/ICR: Thickness < 450 μm
   * Raindrop Near Vision Inlay: Placed at depth ≥ 200 μm
   * Contraindication for crosslinking (CXL): Thickness < 400 μm (some protocols allow > 300 μm)
   * LASIK flap thickness:
   ** Ultrathin: 80–100 μm
   ** Thin: 120 μm
   ** Standard: 120–180 μm
   * Using same microkeratome blade for fellow eye: Flap 10–20 μm thinner
   * Automated therapeutic lamellar keratoplasty: Microkeratome set for 130–450 μm

Endothelial Layer Characteristics

Endothelial Cell Density (ECD)

Age/Group ECD (cells/mm²)
At birth 4000
Young adults 3000
Healthy 60 years old 2500–1500

Endothelial Cell Morphology

Parameter Normal Range
Mean cell size/area 150–350 μm²
Coefficient of variation (CV) index <0.40
Hexagonality (6A) >50%

   Clinical Pearls for Endothelial Layer:
   * Not appropriate for donation: ECD < 2000 cells/mm²
   * Risk for decompensation after intraocular surgery: ECD < 1000 cells/mm²
   * Contraindication for intraocular surgery: ECD < 500 cells/mm²
   * Risk for corneal decompensation after intraocular surgery:
   ** Polymegathism: CVI > 0.4
   ** Pleomorphism: Hexagonality < 50%
   * Note: ECD decreases approximately linearly until age 60, then at a lower rate, so older adults (70–80 years) may have more cells than expected.


Feature Measurement/Note
Limbus integrity At least 25%–33% must remain intact for normal resurfacing
Giant papillae size >1 mm
Margin of excision with SCC Wide excision (4 mm margin)
   Clinical Pearls 
   Note: Limbus integrity is critical in chemical burns or ocular surface tumor surgeries.


Location Thickness (mm)
Posterior to recti insertions (thinnest) 0.3
At the equator 0.4–0.5
Anterior to muscle insertions 0.6
Around optic nerve head (thickest) 1.0

   Clinical Pearls for Sclera:
   * The thinnest part (0.3 mm, posterior to recti insertions) is significant in blunt trauma and scleral laceration.
   * For drainage of suprachoroidal hemorrhage, sclerotomy is placed 5–6 mm posterior to the limbus, primarily in the inferotemporal quadrant.

Anterior chamber

Parameter Measurement
Anterior chamber depth (ACD) 3 mm
Critical angle for total internal reflection (air-tear interface) 46 degrees
   Clinical Pearls 
   * If ACD <2.0 mm: Risk factors for angle closure
   * If ACD <3.2 mm: Increased risk of endothelial/iris trauma with phakic IOL placement

Aqueous humor

Parameter Measurement
Total volume 260 μL
Daytime production rate 2-3 μL/min (renews every 100 min)
Nighttime production rate 1 μL/min (renews every 200 min)
Ascorbic acid concentration 10-50× plasma levels


Chamber Volume
Anterior chamber (AC) 200 μL
Posterior chamber (PC) 60 μL
   Clinical pearls:
   AC tap/paracentesis Withdraw 0.05-0.1 cc using 27-30G needle near limbus

Phakic IOL

Parameter Measurement
Vault 250-750 μm (0.5-1.5× CCT)
   Clinical pearls:
   * Vault <90 μm increases anterior subcapsular cataract risk

Intraocular pressure (IOP)

Population Normal range (mmHg)
Adults 10-21
7-year-olds 14
Newborns 10-12
   * Pediatric glaucoma: IOP >10-15 mmHg considered abnormal
   * Congenital glaucoma infants: Typically 30-40 mmHg (20 mmHg under anesthesia)

Episcleral venous pressure

Measurement Value
Normal EVP 6-9 mmHg


Parameter Measurement
Light reflex development ≥30 weeks GA
Diameter (light) 2-4 mm
Diameter (dark) 4-8 mm
Airy-disk size 1.2 mm
Anisocoria threshold >1 mm difference


Parameter Measurement
Thickness 0.35-0.45 mm[1]
   Clinical pearls:
   * Abnormal thickness: >0.7 mm
   * Iridotomy size: ≥150-200 μm (ideal 500 μm)[2]


Parameter Measurement
Refractive index 1.4
Dioptric power 20 D
Diameter (neonate) 6.5 mm
Diameter (adult) 8.54-9.70 mm


Location Thickness
Anterior 14.0-15.5 μm
Posterior (thinnest) 2.8-4.0 μm
Post. pre-equatorial (thickest) 23 μm
   Clinical pearls:
   * Optimal capsulorhexis: 5.5-6 mm
   * Piggyback IOL: 1.2× RE (myopia), 1.5× RE (hyperopia)

Ciliary body

Feature Count
Ciliary processes 70

Pars plana

Population Injection site
Phakic adults 3.5-4 mm posterior
Pseudophakic/aphakic 3-3.5 mm posterior
1-6 months 1.5 mm
6-12 months 2 mm
1-2 years 2.5 mm
2-6 years 3 mm

Ora serrata

Location Distance from limbus
Nasal 5.75 mm
Temporal 6.50 mm
   Clinical pearls:
   * Prefer temporal quadrant for intravitreal injections


Event Timing
Nasal retina maturation 36 weeks GA
Temporal retina maturation 40 weeks GA*
Full vascularization 3 months postnatal
Choroid development 16 weeks GA
   Clinical pearls:
   * Begin ROP screening from observing temporal area.


Structure Volume
Vitreous cavity 5-6 mL
Vitreous body 4 mL
   Clinical pearls: Vitreous sampling
   * Pars plana vitrectomy: 0.2-0.5 mL
   * Vitreous tap: 0.1-0.3 mL
Consistence %
water 90


Parameter Measurement
Diameter 5.5 mm
Macula, perifovea, parafovea, fovea, foveola.
   * Distance between optic disc-macula >3 DD suggests optic nerve hypoplasia


Feature Measurement
Diameter 1.5 mm (5°)
Photostress recovery time >90 seconds indicates maculopathy
   Clinical pearls:
   * Monovision syndrome: 8 prism diopter deviation
   * Rhodopsin sensitivity: 510 nm (green light)

Foveal avascular zone (FAZ)

Parameter Measurement
Diameter 500 μm (1:40°)
   Clinical pearls: Avoid laser therapies in FAZ


Parameter Measurement
Location (temporal to disc) 4.0-4.5 mm (15°)
Location (inferior to disc) 0.8 mm (2:10°)
Diameter 350 μm


Parameter Measurement
Diameter 150 μm


Parameter Measurement
Ring width 0.5 mm
Outer radius 2.5 mm
Inner radius 1.5 mm


Parameter Measurement
Ring width 1.5 mm
Outer radius 5.5 mm
Inner radius 2.5 mm

Optic nerve

Parameter Measurement
Adult axons 1.2-1.5 million
Gestational axons (16 weeks) 3.7 million
Head diameter 1.5-2.2 mm
Cup-to-disc ratio (normal) <0.5
Total length 50 mm
   Clinical pearls:
   * NAION risk: Cup-to-disc ratio ≤0.2 ("disc-at-risk")
   * Enucleation in retinoblastoma: Excise ≥10 mm ON
   * Atrophy timeline: 6 weeks post-damage

Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)

   Clinical pearls:
   * PED >600 μm height risks RPE tear post anti-VEGF
   * EOG Arden ratio:
     - Normal: >2
     - Best disease: ≤1.5


Feature Risk Threshold
Nevus thickness >2 mm (melanoma risk)

Vascular anatomy

Structure Count
Short posterior ciliary arteries 20
Short posterior ciliary nerves 10
Long ciliary arteries/nerves 2

Extraocular muscles

Muscle Active Length Tendon Length*
Rectus muscles 40 mm 4.5-7 mm
Superior oblique 32 mm 26 mm
Inferior oblique 37 mm 1 mm
Levator 40 mm 14-20 mm

(*)Shortest tendon (I M SIL Live So):

  • IO:1 mm
  • MR:4.5 mm (shortest between rectus muscles)
  • Overal length:
    • Longest: SO (58 mm) >Levator>others>Shortest: IO (38 mm)

Insertion distances

Muscle Distance from Limbus
MR 5.5 mm
IR 6.5 mm
LR 6.9 mm
SR 7.7 mm

Arc of contact

Muscle Contact Length
IO* 15 mm
LR 12 mm
SO 7-8 mm
MR** 7 mm

(*)IO:(Longest) (**)MR:(Shortest)

      • LR inserts 2 mm more superior than MR.
    • EOM penetrate the tenon capsule 10 mm posterior to their insertions.


Parameter Measurement
Volume <30 cm³
Posterior globe-optic foramen 18 mm
Interpupillary distance 60-62 mm
Intercanthal distance 30-31 mm
   Clinical pearls:
   * Exophthalmos: ≥2 mm asymmetry
   * Hypertelorism: IPD >2 SD above mean
   * Telecanthus: Intercanthal >2 SD

Ciliary ganglion

Location Measurement
Anterior to annulus of Zinn 1 cm

Tear and Tear-Film

Parameter Measurement
Tear lake volume 7-10 µL
Eyedrop retention rate 20% (10 µL of 50 µL)
Tear production onset 20 days postnatal
Lacrimal gland maturation 6 weeks postnatal
   Clinical pearls:
   * One eyedrop bottle = 5 mL ≈ 100 drops (50 µL/drop)
   * Atropine 1% example: 0.5 mg/drop → 50 mg/bottle
   * Artificial tears ideal properties:
     - pH 7.0-8.2
     - Osmolarity ≤302 mOsm/L

Tear Composition

Layer Component Percentage
Aqueous Water 98%
Total protein 2%
Lysozyme 30% of protein
Lactoferrin -
Immunoglobulins IgA, IgG
pH 7.2
Osmolarity 302 mOsm/L
Basal secretion 2 µL/min
Layer Production Rate
Mucin (inner) 2-3 mL/day

Dry Eye Diagnostics

Test Normal Abnormal
Dye disappearance test (DDT) ≤5 min >5 min (NLDO)
Tear breakup time ≥10 sec <10 sec
Tear meniscus height ≥0.3 mm <0.2 mm
Phenol red thread ≥10 mm/15s <10 mm/15s
MMP-9 level ≤40 ng/mL >40 ng/mL

Schirmer Tests

Test Method Interpretation
Basic Secretion Anesthetized <3 mm/5 min = ATD
Schirmer I Non-anesthetized <5.5 mm/5 min = ATD
Schirmer II Nasal stimulation <15 mm/2 min = Reflex defect
   ATD = Aqueous Tear Deficiency
   NLDO = Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
   MMP-9 = Matrix Metalloproteinase-9

Developmental Timeline

Milestone Timing Clinical Significance
First tears 20 days NLDO signs appear
Lacrimal function 6 weeks Full secretory capacity

Eyelid Anatomy

Structure Measurement
Upper tarsal height 11 mm (3× lower tarsus)
Lower tarsal height 4 mm
Palpebral fissure height 10-11 mm (women: 9-11 mm, men: 7-8 mm)
MRD1 3-4 mm
MRD2 5 mm
Eyelid length 30 mm
   Clinical pearls:
   * MRD1 ↑ with lid retraction, ↓ with ptosis

Arterial Supply

Vascular Structure Location
Marginal arcade* 2-3 mm superior to lash line
Superior peripheral arcade Within/between Müller's muscle & levator aponeurosis
   Clinical pearls:
   (*) Marginal arcade avoid them while performing tarsoraphy.

Upper Lid Crease

Measurement Distance
Brow to crease 10 mm
Crease to margin (women) 8-10 mm
Crease to margin (men) 6-8 mm
   Clinical pearls:
   ** Congenital ptosis: Absent lid crease
   **Involutional ptosis: Elevated crease position

Blinking Frequency and Clinical Significance

Blinking Frequency Normal Range Clinical Significance
Normal 12-20 blinks per minute Maintains tear film stability, prevents dryness, and clears debris from the ocular surface.
Reduced (Hypoblinking) <10 blinks per minute Seen in Parkinson’s disease, ocular surface disease, or neurogenic causes; increases risk of dry eye syndrome and exposure keratopathy.
Increased (Hyperblinking) >20-25 blinks per minute Associated with blepharospasm, ocular irritation, tic disorders, or psychological stress.
Asymmetrical Blinking Varies between eyes Suggests facial nerve palsy (e.g., Bell’s palsy) or neuromuscular dysfunction affecting one eyelid.
    Clinical Pearls:
    * Normal blinking occurs every **3-5 seconds**, with complete closure ensuring corneal hydration.
    * Incomplete blinking: can lead to exposure keratopathy and is commonly seen in lagophthalmos or after aggressive ptosis surgery.
    * Patients with neurogenic hypoblinking (e.g., Parkinson’s) may require lubricating drops or eyelid training exercises to prevent corneal damage.

Levator Function

Classification Excursion
Normal >12 mm
Fair 6-11 mm
Poor <6 mm

Levator Function and Surgical Guidelines

Levator Function Recommended Surgery Indications
Excellent (>12 mm) Mild ptosis: Müller’s muscle resection or small levator advancement Small droop, strong muscle, good phenylephrine test response
Good (8-12 mm) Levator advancement/resection for moderate ptosis Aponeurotic or mild congenital ptosis with functional levator
Fair (5-7 mm) Moderate-to-severe ptosis: Levator resection (maximal if needed) Levator has some function, can attempt resection but results may vary
Poor (<4 mm) Frontalis sling (bypassing weak levator function) Severe congenital ptosis, third-nerve palsy, muscular dystrophy-related ptosis
   Clinical pearls:
   * Levator resection indicated when LF >4 mm
   * Normal excursion: ~15 mm (range 12-18 mm)

Meibomian Glands

Location Gland Count Secretory Rate
Upper eyelid 25-40 1.0-1.4 μL/min
Lower eyelid 20-30 0.8-1.2 μL/min


Parameter Measurement
Upper lid count 90-150
Lower lid count 70-80
Growth rate 0.12-0.15 mm/day
Full regrowth time 6 weeks (intact follicle)
   Clinical pearls:
   * Post-epilation recovery: 6-12 weeks for full growth
   * Repeated extension use may reduce lash density by 30-50%
   * Bimatoprost increases length by 25-30% but may cause periocular pigmentation

Growth Cycle

Phase Duration Characteristics
Anagen 30-45 days Active growth
Catagen 2-3 weeks Follicle regression
Telogen 30-45 days Resting/shedding

Biopsy Guidelines

   Clinical pearls: Biopsy size and width of margins should be based on clinical presentation, level of suspicion, and risk factor analysis.

Ophthalmic Instruments

Device Specification
Goldmann tonometer 3.06 mm applanated area
1.25g weight (5.5g total force)
LASIK plume particles 0.22 µm size
Surgical mask filtration 0.1 µm efficiency
   Clinical pearls:
   * LASIK safety: 
   ** A canister mask  will filter these particles down to 0.1 µm.
   ** The average particles produced in the LASIK plum  are 0.22 µm.
   ** N95 masks  filter 95% of 0.3µm particles

Volk Lens Factors

Lens Magnification Factor Field Width
60D 1.0× 70°
78D 1.1× 85°
90D 1.3× 100°
   Clinical pearls:
   * 60D lens: 1:1 papilla-to-slit beam ratio at 16× magnification

Visual Acuity Testing

Test Parameter Specification
Pinhole Optimal diameter 1.2 mm (corrects ≤3D)
Pinhole Diffraction limit 20/40 at 1.0 mm

Nystagmus Acuity Estimates

Type Visual Acuity Characteristics
Vertical OKN ≥20/400 Vertical nystagmus overlay
Searching <20/200 Roving eye movements
Pendular >20/200 Sinusoidal oscillation
Jerk 20/60-20/100 Fast/slow phases

Preschool HOVT Norms

Age Snellen Decimal
2.5y 20/63-20/30 0.33-0.66
5y 20/30-20/20 0.66-1.0

Duochrome Testing

Source Chromatic Interval Wavelength Difference
Commercial filters 0.50D 490nm vs 630nm
Human eye (Fraunhofer) 1.5-3.0D 486nm (F) - 656nm (C)
Human eye (Helmholtz) 1.8D Photopic sensitivity peak
   Clinical pearls:
   * 80% patients prefer green focus at 0.25D over red[9][10]
   * 1.0D hyperopia correction improves duochrome balance by 40%[11]

Time-Critical Ophthalmic Protocols

Emergency Interventions

Condition Time Window Specifics
Myocardial Infarction/Stroke/CRAO ≤90 min Door-to-balloon/thrombolysis
Sympathetic Ophthalmia 4-8 weeks (65% 2-8w, 90% <1y) Latent period post-trauma
Hyphema (Pediatric) 4-5 days Surgical intervention threshold
Hyphema (Sickle Cell) >24h IOP >25 mmHg Immediate surgery
Perforating Trauma 5-14 days Vitrectomy for PVR prevention

Surgical Timing

Procedure Minimum Wait Details
LASIK Re-treatment 3 months Refractive stability required
Surface Ablation Repeat 6-12 months Haze resolution period
Nerve Palsy Repair 9-12 months Allow spontaneous recovery
**Refractive Surgery Post-Pregnancy** **3 months postpartum + breastfeeding cessation** Hormonal stabilization
Congenital Cataract (Uni) <6 weeks Prevent sensory nystagmus
Congenital Cataract (Bi) <8-10 weeks Sequential within 2w (<2y) /4w (>2y)
Artificial Iris Implant ≥16 years Pediatric contraindication

Pharmacological Timelines

Medication Critical Duration Effects
**Topical Steroids** >2w use → 5% IOP >31mmHg at 6w
≥18mo → Permanent damage
Monitor IOP q2w, If > 3 drops/d>3mo consider systemic
Systemic Steroids (Immunosuppression) >7.5mg/d >3mo Threshold for alternative therapy
Tetracaine 10-20s onset 10-20min duration
**Retrobulbar Lidocaine (0.5-2%)** 5min onset 1-2hr akinesia
Δ9-THC (Marijuana) 3-4hr Impractical IOP control

Cycloplegics/Mydriatics (ASH-CT Mnemonic)

Agent Duration Full Effect Onset
**A**tropine 7-14d 60-120min
**S**copolamine 4-7d 45min
**H**omatropine 3d 30min
**C**yclopentolate 24hr 60min
**T**ropicamide 4-6hr 30min

Diagnostic Protocols

Test Protocol Positive Criteria
**Tensilon (Edrophonium)** 2+4+4mg IV + **Atropine pre-treatment** ≥2mm lid elevation
**Neostigmine** 1.5mg IM + Atropine 0.6mg IV Improvement in 30-45min
Sleep Test 30min nap Lid elevation + resolution
Ice Pack Test 2min application ≥2mm improvement

Specialized Procedures

Technique Exposure Time Clinical Application
Absolute Alcohol (20%) 10–45s Epithelial debridement
Mitomycin C (0.02%) 12s–2min Haze prevention
**Photodynamic Therapy** N/A **5d strict sun avoidance**
   Clinical Pearls:
   1. **Steroid Response Gradation:**
      - <2w: Rare IOP spikes
      - 6w: 5% >31mmHg
      - ≥18mo: 22% permanent damage
   2. **MG Crisis Protocol:**
      - Neostigmine 1.5mg IM + Atropine 0.6mg IV q4-6h
   3. **ONTT Steroid Taper:**
      - Prednisone 1mg/kg/day ×11d → 20mg day 12 → 10mg days 13-15
   4. **GCA Biopsy:**
      - 2-3cm specimen length (skip lesion prevention)

Disease Timelines & Definitions

Condition Time Criteria Clinical Significance
Apparent Optic Atrophy 6 weeks post-injury Final functional assessment window

Uveitis Classification

Type Duration Recurrence Pattern
Acute <3 months Single episode
Recurrent <3 months/episode >3 months between flares
Chronic >3 months Persistent inflammation

Diabetic Retinopathy Screening

Population Initial Exam Pregnancy Protocol
Type 1 DM 3-5 years post-diagnosis 1st trimester
Type 2 DM At diagnosis 1st trimester
   Clinical pearls:
   * 15% of Type 1 DM develop DR within 5 years
   * 20% of Type 2 DM have DR at diagnosis
   * Monthly exams for proliferative DR in pregnancy

Intraocular Gas Dynamics

Gas Effective Tamponade Retention Time Key Properties
SF₆ 6 days 13 days (2-3w) Non-expansile concentration
C₂F₆ 15 days 35 days (3-4w) 18% concentration expands 2×
C₃F₈ 30 days 65 days (6-8w) 14% concentration expands 4×
   Clinical pearls:
   * SF₆: Requires 5-day face-down positioning
   * C₃F₈: 20% risk of transient IOP >30mmHg (monitor q4h first day)
   * Gas-filled eyes contraindicated for air travel until 10% residual

Gas Selection Guide

Clinical Scenario Preferred Gas Rationale
Macula-on RD SF₆ Short-term tamponade needed
Giant retinal tear C₂F₆ Moderate duration support
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy C₃F₈ Long-term stabilization
   RD = Retinal Detachment
   IOP = Intraocular Pressure
   w = weeks
   DM = Diabetes Mellitus
   DR = Diabetic Retinopathy
  • When different antiplatelets or anticoagulants should be paused before various intraocular or oculoplastic surgeries:
Timing of Pausing Antiplatelets and Anticoagulants Before Intraocular or Oculoplastic Surgery
Medication Intraocular Surgery (e.g., Cataract, Glaucoma, Vitrectomy) Oculoplastic Surgery (e.g., Blepharoplasty, Ptosis repair) Comments
Aspirin * 7-10 days before *May continue in minor surgeries if risk of thromboembolism is high.
Clopidogrel (Plavix) 5-7 days before 5-7 days before Consider bridging with low-dose aspirin if thromboembolic risk is high.
Ticagrelor (Brilinta) 5-7 days before 5-7 days before Bridging therapy might be considered depending on the thromboembolic risk.
Prasugrel (Effient) 7-10 days before 7-10 days before Typically requires longer cessation than clopidogrel due to higher potency.
Warfarin (Coumadin) 3-5 days before 3-5 days before INR should be normalized (<1.5); consider bridging with LMWH if high risk.
Dabigatran (Pradaxa) 2-3 days before 2-3 days before Consider longer cessation (4-5 days) in patients with renal impairment.
Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) 2-3 days before 2-3 days before Discontinue 2 days before surgery for normal renal function; may require more if renal function is impaired.
Apixaban (Eliquis) 2-3 days before 2-3 days before May consider 48-hour cessation, longer if impaired renal function.
Edoxaban (Savaysa) 2-3 days before 2-3 days before Similar considerations as for other direct oral anticoagulants.
Heparin (Unfractionated) 4-6 hours before 4-6 hours before Short-acting; can be paused closer to the surgery.
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) 24 hours before 24 hours before Enoxaparin typically paused 24 hours prior; consider renal function.
NSAIDs (e.g., Ibuprofen) 48-72 hours before 48-72 hours before Avoid in cases where bleeding risk is significant.
  • Discontinuing aspirin before cataract surgery is a practice driven by theoretical risks of bleeding, despite strong evidence from large-scale studies and meta-analyses showing that continuing aspirin does not significantly increase serious complications but poses real thrombotic risks and unnecessary healthcare disruptions.[3] [4]

Critical Ophthalmic Dosages


Parameter Hydroxychloroquine Chloroquine
Daily Dose 5.0 mg/kg (actual body weight) 2.3 mg/kg (actual body weight)
Cumulative Toxicity Threshold >1000 g total >460 g total
High-Risk Duration >5 years >5 years
   Clinical pearls:
   * Use actual body weight for all BMI categories
   * Annual retinal screening mandatory after 5 years of use
   * Discontinue if retinal toxicity suspected

Toxoplasmosis Management


Scenario Regimen Duration
Paramacular recurrence TMP-SMX 800/160mg q3d Long-term
Perioperative (LASIK/Phaco) TMP-SMX 800/160mg daily 2 days pre-op → 1 week post-op

Adult Treatment

Medication Loading Dose Maintenance Adjuncts
Pyrimethamine 200mg Day 1 50mg daily ×4wk Folinic acid 15mg BIW
Sulfadiazine 2g Day 1 1g QID ×4wk Hydration + NaHCO₃

Alternate Regimens

Option Dose Frequency
Azithromycin 500mg Daily ×4wk
Clindamycin 300-450mg q6h ×4wk
TMP-SMX DS 1 tablet BID ×4wk

Vision-Threatening Lesions

Medication Dose Administration
Prednisone 1-1.5 mg/kg/day 4-week taper
Triamcinolone 40mg Single periocular injection
   Clinical pearls:
   * Start steroids 72h after antimicrobial initiation
   * Prepare TMP-SMX DS as double-strength tablets (160/800mg)

Congenital Toxoplasmosis

Medication Dose Frequency
Pyrimethamine 1mg/kg q3d ×3wk
Sulfadiazine 50-100mg/kg BID ×3wk
Folinic Acid 3mg BIW during treatment
   Clinical pearls:
   * Pregnancy management: Spiramycin 1g TID for acute maternal infection
   * Corticosteroid taper duration: 2-4 weeks based on response

Herpesviridae Therapy

HSV Treatment

Medication Acute Therapy Prophylaxis
Acyclovir 400mg 5×/day 400mg BID
Valacyclovir 1000mg TID 500-1000mg daily
Famciclovir 250mg TID 250mg BID

HZO Treatment

Medication Dose Duration
Acyclovir 800mg 5×/day 10-14 days
Valacyclovir 1g TID 10-14 days
Famciclovir 500mg TID 10-14 days
   Clinical pearls:
   * Recurrent HZO: Extend antiviral course to 21 days
   * Topical steroids: Prednisolone 1% q2-6h based on severity
   * Chronic prophylaxis: Reduce dose by 50% after 6 months

Intracameral Medications

Medication Concentration Volume Preparation Notes
Cefuroxime 1 mg 0.1 mL Standard reconstitution
Moxifloxacin 150 µg/0.1 mL 0.3-0.4 mL 3 mL Vigamox + 7 mL BSS[5]
   Clinical pearls:
   * Inject moxifloxacin as final surgical step
   * Maintain strict aseptic technique during dilution

Intravitreal Injections

Medication Dose Indication Notes
Bevacizumab 1.25 mg/0.05 mL Off-label use 0.675 mg/0.03 mL for ROP
Ranibizumab 0.5 mg/0.05 mL
0.3 mg/0.05 mL
Myopic CNVM
Aflibercept 2.0 mg/0.05 mL VEGF-mediated diseases -
Brolucizumab 6 mg/0.05 mL nAMD -
Faricimab 6 mg/0.05 mL DME/nAMD -
Triamcinolone 2 mg/0.05 mL
4 mg/0.1 mL
Off-label Use Triesence®/Trivaris® for FDA-approved
Ganciclovir 4 mg/0.1 mL CMV retinitis 2 mg/0.05 mL twice weekly ×14d
Clindamycin 1 mg/0.1 mL Toxoplasmosis -
Foscarnet 2.4 mg/0.1 mL Viral retinitis 1.2 mg/0.05 mL dose
Fomivirsen 330 mcg/0.05 mL CMV retinitis -
Methotrexate 400 mcg/0.1 mL Intraocular lymphoma -
Vancomycin 1 mg/0.1 mL Endophthalmitis -
Ceftazidime 2.25 mg/0.1 mL Bacterial infections -
Amikacin 0.4 mg/0.1 mL Gram-negative coverage -
Amphotericin B 5 mcg/0.1 mL Fungal infections -
Voriconazole 50-100 mcg/0.1 mL Fungal endophthalmitis -
Dexamethasone 0.4 mg/0.1 mL Inflammation -
   Clinical pearls:
   * Use 30G needles for all intravitreal injections
   * Confirm needle position in mid-vitreous
   * Monitor IOP post-injection

Fortified Ocular Topicals

Medication Concentration Preparation Method
Bacitracin 10,000 IU/mL Reconstitute powder with sterile water
Cefazolin 50 mg/mL (5%) 500mg vial + 10mL sterile saline
Ceftriaxone 50 mg/mL (5%) 1g vial diluted in 20mL artificial tears
Ceftazidime 50 mg/mL (5%) 1g vial + 10mL BSS + 10mL vehicle
Vancomycin 50 mg/mL (5%) 500mg vial + 10mL sterile water
Linezolid 2 mg/mL (0.2%) IV solution diluted 1:10 with saline
Gentamicin 14 mg/mL (1.4%) 80mg injectable + 5mL commercial drops
Tobramycin 14 mg/mL (1.4%) Same as gentamicin
Amikacin 40 mg/mL (4%) 500mg vial + 12.5mL vehicle
Clarithromycin 10 mg/mL (1%) 500mg tablet dissolved in 50mL vehicle
Azithromycin 10 mg/mL (1%) Reconstitute powder with sterile water
Co-trimoxazole 16/80 mg/mL (TMP/SMX) 80/400mg tablet in 50mL vehicle
   Clinical pearls:
   * Refrigerate at 4°C; discard after 7 days (14 days for vancomycin)
   * Use preservative-free artificial tears as base vehicle
   * Shake suspensions vigorously before administration
   * Monitor corneal epithelium daily with aminoglycosides
   * TMP/SMX ratio maintained at 1:5 (16mg:80mg)


  1. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 01: Update on General Medicine by Herbert J. Ingraham , ISBN: 9781681045412 , Publication Date: 2022-08-30

  2. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 02: Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology by Vikram S. Brar Section 2 , ISBN: 9781681045429, Publication Date: 2022-08-30

  3. 022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 03: Clinical Optics and Vision Rehabilitation by Scott E. Brodie , ISBN: 9781681045436, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  4. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 04: Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors by Nasreen A. Syed ISBN: 9781681045443, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  5. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 05: Neuro-Ophthalmology by M. Tariq Bhatti, ISBN: 9781681045450, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  6. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 06: Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus by Arif O. Khan, ISBN: 9781681045467, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  7. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 07: Oculofacial Plastic and Orbital Surgery by Bobby S. Korn, ISBN: 9781681045474, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  8. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 08: External Disease and Cornea by Robert W. Weisenthal, ISBN: 978168104548, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  9. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 09: Uveitis and Ocular Inflammation by H. Nida Sen, ISBN: 9781681045498, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  10. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 10: Glaucoma by Angelo P. Tanna, ISBN: 9781681045504, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  11. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 11: Lens and Cataract by Linda M. Tsai, ISBN: 9781681045511, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  12. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 12: Retina and Vitreous by Stephen J. Kim, ISBN: 9781681045528, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  13. 2022-2023 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 13: Refractive Surgery by M. Bowes Hamill Restricted Resource, ISBN: 9781681045535, Publication Date: 2022-06-20

  14. Nixon HK. Preparation of fortified antimicrobial eye drops. Kerala J Ophthalmol [serial online] 2018 [cited 2022 Dec 23];30:152-4. Available from:



  1. Li et al. 2021
  2. Fleck 1990
  3. Abo Zeid M, Elrosasy A, Alkheder A, et al. Do We Need to Hold Aspirin Before Cataract Surgery? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 65,196 Subjects. Semin Ophthalmol. Published online November 1, 2024. doi:10.1080/08820538.2024.2420969
  4. Benzimra JD, Johnston RL, Jaycock P, et al. The Cataract National Dataset electronic multicentre audit of 55,567 operations: antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications. Eye (Lond). 2009;23(1):10-16. doi:10.1038/sj.eye.6703069
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